Dear Ophelia, There's always so much to say about you that I find it hard to know where to start. You are TALKING TALKING TALKING! It's incredible. You repeat just about everything we say...even when I'd rather you not yell "CRAP!" at the top of your lungs. You're even trying out sentences and using our phrases by yourself. I tried making a list of all the words you know (as in, when I ask you what something is you correctly identify it or use it without me asking) but that soon became an exercise in futility because you learn at least 3 new words every day. I'm also kind of convinced that you can read. Yeah, I know. You're 18 months old but I swear to god you looked at the word frog (no pictures) and then said "frog". It's happened before too. But I digress into hallucinations.

You are fierce! Seriously, you are stubborn and sassy and funny as hell. You have these looks that clearly say "I mean business. Don't you know who I am?" But the best thing is that you can be giving me one of those looks and I'll give it right back to you and then we'll both burst into laughter. We're too alike. Oh and you are MOOOOOODY. I wonder who you got that from? ;)

Yes, you are smart as a whip and you've got a spine of steel but what I adore about you most is how tremendously kind you are. I've spent so much time with babies and toddlers that I feel like I have a good idea about the average 1.5 year old's capacity for compassion. You, my lovely, are exceptional. You hug random kids before they go down the slide at the park. If you see me get hurt or know that I am sad you run over to me to give me a hug and a kiss. When Daddy and I hug you insist that we pick you up for a family hug. You say hi to everyone and always have a smile, even for strangers. When I lie down with you to fall asleep, you give me a smooch on the cheek every couple of minutes. My heart just absolutely melts. Despite our challenges, I feel lucky everyday to be your mother.

Before I sign off, and get some much needed sleep, I want to thank you. Your mama has had a tough year, to say the least. But you are amazing. You wake up everyday with a smile on your face and pull me into real life. You remind me that the world keeps spinning despite my worries and stresses. So thank you, my girl. I will try to do the same for you.

Love, Mama
